The Artery's Ethos

The Artery art processes offer you the opportunity to...

  • Tap into your own innate, dormant, blocked or exiled creative artery.
  • Work in the delicate balance of mindfulness and spontaneity,of consciousness and intuition...
  • Integrate differences, embrace contrasts, bridge polarities...
  • Be completely present and involved in the moment but also to be able to let go...
  • See beauty and authenticity in “imperfection”...
  • Embrace “accidents”as part of the process,reminding you of the futility of planning too much.
  • Appreciate that broken things can be mended and "mistakes" are opportunities to learn something new to do something differently...
  • Increase your awareness that everything you do leaves a trace that reflects your intention, frame of mind or emotional state  
  • Learn to create your own excitement instead of waiting for something to come from outside.
  • Notice not only when “enough is actually enough” but also that “less is more”, because limitation fosters creative thinking.
  • Trust that you will find what you need; that you carry, within yourself an infinite well of resources. That you are enough...
  • ...and many more Art Wisdoms

      "Neither from nor towards, at the still point, there the dance is." 

      - T.S. Eliot

      And there the art is... Neither avoiding it (“I can’t draw, I’m not an Artist, I don’t have the time”) nor grasping after it (“I can just see this beautiful painting in my mind, I will make this masterpiece happen, give me inspiration”). While hunting for a specific outcome you will either get bored with the slavish execution of your preconceived outcome or you will be disappointed due to the inevitable gap between reality and fantasy and take it as “proof” that you are inadequate. Better to just drop all that striving and pursuit. Inspiration doesn’t visit when we think we know what will happen nor when we are frantically searching for it. Certainty kills Curiosity and without Curiosity there can be no Creativity and no Art.

      Inspiration comes when Equanimity is present to hold a welcoming, open and safe space. But if we allow Judges to come into the space, Inspiration and Creativity flee. Instead, if we hold steady, if we hold still, if we keep quietly showing up, tuning into the kind of silence, the solitude and stillness needed to coax a wild creature to trust us enough to make an appearance, doing the humble work, offering crumbs, without expectations, dropping all knowing, all preconceptions and notions, all should's and shouldn’ts and we wait...

      Then, when we least expect it, Inspiration hops in like a sparrow, meets up with our innate, yet exiled, Creativity and together they dance; in that arrested moment, that time out of time, in the still-point. That kind of spaciousness that comes from emptying out all expectations, all grasping and chasing until it's just the dancing. A dance that dances us. That's what happens at the still point.