THE CORONATION is a mindfully curated, remotely guided, art process.
You will receive 7 voice notes:
- Welcome
- Getting Started
- Introduction
- Stillness Meditation
- Step-by-step Guided Art Making Process #1
- Step-by-Step Guided Art Making Process #2
- Writing Prompts for a Reflection
In addition, you will receive:
- A link to a You Tube 'How to draw a portrait' demonstration
- 2 Useful self-portrait diagrams
- 12 inspiring images and artworks
- Access to a music playlist of 18 specially selected tracks, via Spotify, to listen to while you do the art process.
Inspired by the name of the Corona virus pandemic. The Coronation art process is an invitation to look closer at our reflection, explore self image and find our essential identity through mark making and erasure. This is a playful, yet profound art process using drawing, frottage (rubbings) and collage. Some underlying themes and questions are: Are we able to reveal doubt, uncertainty and imperfection? In light of our impermanence what traces are we leaving behind? What matters? In the words of immunologist Jonas Salk, "are we being good ancestors?"